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1. Exhibitors wishing to sell any article can have same listed in Catalogue and get
For Sale card from the Secretary’s Office.
2. The Affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Committee to be elected
annually from the list of members, together with the Secretary.
3. Intending Competitors must lodge with the Secretary a complete list of their
entries numbered according to the Prize List (on forms to be supplied by the
Committee) not later than 14th August, 2024 accompanied by an Entry Fee -
otherwise they will not be accepted.
4. All Livestock Exhibits (whether for competition or Exhibition) in order that they may
be properly arranged, should be at the Show grounds by 9.00 a.m. and cannot be
admitted after 10.30 a.m.
5. Bulls must be secured by a ring in the nose with a chain or rope attached, and be
in charge of a caretaker, otherwise they cannot be admitted. All animals to have
halters on their heads. All competing animals to be distinguished by numbers only.
6. All Hall Exhibits (whether for competition or Exhibition) should be at the Show by
9.30 a.m. on show morning in order that they may be properly arranged. (Entries will
be accepted on Tuesday 7.00- 9.00p.m.
7. The arrangement of the Show will be conducted by a committee of Management,
and the persons entering the Show yard are subject to the direction of the Stewards
and Secretary.
8. No person will be permitted to interfere with the Judges when adjudicating.
Exhibitors so doing will forfeit their claim to prizes. Any abuse of judges will not be
9. Exhibitors may enter the same exhibit in the cattle and horse sections in as many
classes as they are eligible for, provided that they pay the necessary entry fee in
10. The Judges shall have the power to award First, Second or Third prizes
according to merits of the Exhibitors, or to withhold any or all prizes in any class for
want of merit.
11. The decision of the Judges shall be final as to merit. On points of disqualification,
objections or appeals will be considered if lodged with the Secretary, together with a
fee of €50 within one hour of completion of the competition on Show day, such
objections will be considered by the committee of Management. The Fee will be
returned if the objection is not considered frivolous.
12. No diseased animal can be admitted, and should they manifest symptoms of
disease during the Exhibition they must immediately be removed from the premises
on an order being given to the effect by the Secretary.
13. The ages of all Horses to date from 1st January of the year of their birth.
14. As one of the objectives of this Association is to encourage the keeping of
superior animals of the various descriptions for breeding purposes, the Judges will
be instructed to particularly discourage overfed animals and those showing
symptoms of constitutional unsoundness.
15. No stock can be removed from the Show Grounds before the parade of prize
winners or 5pm whichever is the latest on the day of the Show. Other exhibits 5

16. Whilst every reasonable care will be exercised, the Show Society will not be
responsible for any accident, loss or damage to any exhibit, exhibitor or spectator
from any cause whatever occurring in the Show Yard, or in transit thereto or there
from. Should any matter arise not provided for, or in the purview of these rules and
regulations, such matter shall be referred to the committee whose decision shall be
final and binding - no appeal to law in any case.
17. Definition of Farmer - where the term farmer is made use of in the Prize List it
shall be Virginia Show Prize List 2024 taken as subject to the following definition - A
farmer shall be understood to mean one who resides permanently on his/her farm,
working it him/herself and deriving there from his/her principal and ostensible means
of subsistence.
18. In section 6 and 7, the winners must be prepared, if called upon by the
Committee to produce within 48 hours of getting notice, at least double the supply of
the Exhibits as evidence of growth by the person showing, although if true to kind the
same quality of excellence will not be insisted upon.
19. All articles for exhibition in Agricultural Hall/Marquee must be handed to the
Stewards in charge, so as to have them placed in proper Section. No person shall
reposition or remove Exhibit without the authority of the Stewards.
20. Competitors may enter Horses and Cattle in any class for which they are eligible
but any animal that obtains a First Prize cannot be exhibited in any other Class at the
same Show. They shall, however, be eligible to compete for Special Prizes.
21. Where there is only one entry in a class, this class may be cancelled and the
Exhibitor notified.
22. Competitors exhibiting animals not their own property will forfeit all prizes
obtained at the Show, and be prohibited from entering any subsequent Show.
23. All correct and appropriate numbers must be attached to Animals before Judging
commences, if not, No Prize money will be paid.
24. All animals must be properly trained and restrained. Animals, which, in the
opinion of the safety officers, are likely to become dangerous, must be removed from
the grounds or enclosed in the pen provided.
25. All animals must be unloaded/loaded in special designated area/pen.
26. ISA and Virginia Show advise all Livestock exhibitors to have insurance on their
animals - see note in showing classes.
27. Due to administration costs entry fees cannot be returned for non-participation in
28. All prize money must be claimed before the end of the financial year, 31st Dec.
29. The Committee will not be responsible for any goods or items left in Hall or
Grounds of Show after 6pm on Show Day.
30. Vouchers or prizes in kind may be given in lieu of prize money.
31. All Trade Stand Passes are valid until 11am.
32. Winners of Qualifiers are themselves responsible for entering their qualifiers (or
exhibits) for the final. Within one hour of qualifying - they should present themselves
to the Secretary’s office at the Show for details.
33. Poultry classes are subject to Department of Agriculture guidelines.
Please note all animals must have an individual handler at all times on the
show grounds, otherwise they will be removed from the grounds or enclosed
in a pen provided.
Animals must only be tied to appropriate tying facilities.

In weight classes all animals must be weighed before judging commences and only
one weighing per animal allowed unless requested by the judge.
NOTE: A heifer becomes a cow when she gives birth to a calf.
All correct and appropriate Numbers must be attached to Animals before Judging
Commences. IF NOT - No Prize-money will be awarded.
All horses moving from one location to another must be accompanied by their
All passports must be registered by the current owner. It is in your own interest to
ensure this as failure to do so can result in a fine.
See the information in Horse And Pony Section regarding the current rules for
We wish To Thank the Minister of Agriculture and the Dept of Agriculture for their
grant towards the cost of our insurance.

The Irish Shows Association is proud to present All Ireland Championships and
wishes to acknowledge the generous sponsorships, which make these competitions
possible. For the efficient running of the Championships all concerned are requested
to read and observe the Rules set out below.

General Rules for 2024

1. Eligibility of Shows: - Shows wishing to participate in the Championships and be
eligible to hold qualifiers, must have collected the Championship Fund (currently 5%)
from Horse (classes), Cattle and Sheep prizes for the year 2023 and forwarded the
amount so collected, in full to the Irish Shows Association within the stipulated period
of not more than 30 days from the date of the show.
Alternative methods of meeting this obligation are not acceptable.
2. Qualifying rounds: Qualifying rounds will take place at designated shows by the
Irish Shows Association.
3. Responsibility of Shows: Selected Shows should hold a separate class for each
qualifier from which the highest placed animals will qualify.
The Qualifier class should be held as the 1st class in the relevant section of the
4. Shows must ensure that the qualifiers are held strictly in accordance with the
relevant Rules.
5. Shows may charge an entry fee for each qualifier.
6. It is a condition that no other sponsor may-be involved in qualifier class.
7. Shows must appoint competent, well briefed persons to act as stewards, who
must ensure that only animals (or other exhibits) which are eligible to compete and
whose documentation is in order, are allowed to proceed to the judging ring.
8. Animals that have already qualified are not eligible to compete in further qualifiers
at local shows in the same Championships.

9. On completion of judging, Stewards must inform the successful competitors to visit
the Secretary's Office at the show within one hour, and complete the necessary
arrangements for entry to the final.
10. The Show must appoint a well briefed officer who will be available at the
Secretary’s office to assist exhibitors to complete the entry cards for participation in
the final and collect the entry fee.
11. Show Secretary must forward duly completed result cards, together with
appropriate fees to the Irish Shows Association within three days following the
holding of the show.
12. Responsibility of Exhibitors; Winners of Qualifiers are themselves responsible for
entering their qualifiers (or exhibits) for the final, within one hour of qualifying.
13. Winner of qualifiers will compete in the final.
14. The Irish Shows Association in conjunction with the sponsor reserves the right to
alter or amend the rules of the competition as may be necessary.
15. 5% of the prize money will be collected by the show and forwarded to the I.S.A.
within 30 days.
16. Any show or competitor in breach of these rules will be disqualified from
competing in these Championships.
17. Shows and competitors must contact the I.S.A. for all details and information
concerning these Championships and NOT the sponsor.
18. Any objections or complaints must be lodged in writing with the I.S.A.
representative at the show and the Show Secretary within half an hour following the
completion of the competition, together with €50 or another stated fee which is
refundable in the event of the objection being upheld.
19. These general rules and those relating to the individual Championships being
staged should be published in the schedule and catalogue of the participating show
and strictly observed.

|We wish to thank the Minister of Agriculture and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine for their grant towards the cost of our insurance.